Gardening with the Moon

Book Cover

This book identifies cultural interrelationships, provides sound background knowledge on the moon and derives practical principles for gardening. A large number of diagrams show clearly and vividly the lunar rhythms over the course of the day, month and year. The twelve signs of the Zodiac are presented with their characteristics and relation to the moon and garden. In addition to the plants of the moon, gardens of the moon also provide inspiration, together with evocative images of a life in harmony with the garden and nature.

120 Pages
10 Tables, 65 Photos, 39 Drawings
Published: 2009
ISBN: 978-3-8001-5791-4


Gardening with the Moon - Estonia Estonia (2010)

Gardening with the Moon - Poland Poland (2010, 2013)

Gardening with the Moon - Latvia Latvia (2010)

Gardening with the Moon - Slovakia Slovakia (2011)

Gardening with the Moon - Czech Republic Czech Republic (2011)

Gardening with the Moon - Hungary Hungary (2011)

Gardening with the Moon - Russia Russia (2013)