The magic of blossoms, or how do you communicate?
Blossoms can enchant us, but their actual purpose is pollination. They accomplish this either on their own, with wind & water, or by attracting pollinators. How do you ensure that your thoughts bear fruit?
Self-pollinator: If you are on your own, then you are left with “self-pollination”. Snowdrops and violets pollinate themselves and can propagate in this way. As a self-pollinator you are autonomous, and you communicate with your self and via a network.
Bee-lover: As a bee lover you love to communicate and barter: You assist your counterpart with your communication, and gratefully receive some form of reward in return from them. You love direct reciprocal exchange.
Seducer: The orchid uses asymmetrical communication for its deceptive pollination: It is pollinated because it mimics a conspecific of the pollinator. As a seducer, you love to have the upper hand, to play with your informational advantage, and persuade others somewhat manipulatively.
Energy expert: Simple, rather inconspicuous flowers in large numbers use the wind or water as a “communication element”. As an energy expert, you use many subtle means to communicate. This communication is often invisible to the outside.